AMD support

Visual Acuity Tests

Haag Streit BQ biomicroscope for retinal examination.
Topcon non-mydriatic retinograph for retinal images without the need for dilation with eye drops.
OCT RTvue- 100 allows for fine and precise analysis with retinal thickness map and 3D scan of the macula.
Requires no injection.
The Octopus visual field allows the analysis of the central scotoma.

Additional examinations

·       Visual acuity

The patient complains of reduced vision with his glasses, which initially bothers him up close. Each eye is measured separately. In cases where measuring in tenths is no longer sufficient: the ETDRS scale allows for a better assessment of low vision.

·       CV

The visual field test allows us to assess the size of the central scotoma, i.e. the area of ​​no vision. This is an examination that requires good patient participation to be reliable.

·       Fundus

After instilling a few drops of eye drops to obtain pupillary dilation, the fundus examination allows the doctor to visualize the signs of AMD on the retina.
Drusen are generally visible at the macula level, they correspond to small yellow dots.
Atrophic areas can be identified at the macula level.
Hemorrhagic areas are sometimes visible at the retina level.

·       OCT

Optical Coherence Tomography is a painless and non-invasive examination, which is comparable to an eye scan. It allows for a detailed analysis of the retina, in this case the macula in the case of AMD, in order to make a diagnosis and monitor its progress.
Drusen, atrophy areas and hemorrhages are visible and measurable.
It is possible to visualize neovascularization: these are pathological vessels developing in the macular region and are potentially very dangerous.
OCT also allows for the identification of associated signs (macular edema), and for monitoring its progress after treatment.
This is a very quick examination that does not require prior drops.

·       Fluorescein angiography

These are photographs of the fundus after injection of a fluorescent contrast agent into a vein in the arm. This allows the retinal vessels, hemorrhages and atrophic areas to be visualized.
This sometimes unpleasant examination is now often replaced by OCT but remains essential at the start of treatment.

·       RNM

Non-mydriatic retinophotography has the advantage of visualizing part of the fundus including the macula without dilation. It is a digital photograph of the retina.